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silicone stopper

That's because if you've ever accidentally let a liquid sit out and taken another sip from it the next day (or hours later), chances are…that shit tasted WEIRD! This can really be solved with a silicone stopper! These tiny little implements slide into the opening of your drink bottle or can, sealing it off from air. And this means air can't get in, no more flat soda or even worse, drinks that have gone stale! There are silicone stoppers in all different sizes and shapes that you can find to fit your favorite drink container. Whether you are carrying an apple juice or a soda in can, there is silicone stopper for it.

Say Goodbye to Spills with a Silicone Stopper

Have you ever spilled a drink and made it look sloppy? Spilled juice, milk or any drink is never fun! Fortunately, silicone stoppers prevent such spills. You just need to place one in the top of your drink container. This is a vapor tight sealing, that further prevents the liquid from spilling. In fact, some silicone stoppers will even come with a little hook or handle secures it to your backpack or lunch bag. This way, you never lose them and your beverages are secure inside.

Why choose U MED silicone stopper?

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