If you pay close attention to medical device connections in your hospital or physicians offices, you may have noticed luer locks being used. Luer locks are a collection of semipersistint parts that come together to form a connection between two or more components or other health care devices. An example of its importance for universal applicability is in medical procedures such as oral administration of drugs, intravenous infusion during the injection, blood transfusion on demand and during dialysis to remove toxic waste products due to kidney failure.
Inquiring more, a female luer lock is nothing but when you turn one of the male (or as and often have it described to me- normal) luers around such that its orifice consists threads. This orifice is intended to slide on top of, and lock into place over the male end (for which internal threads are machined) a Luer Lock connection. When you mix any two female luer locks, something in between them will not leak out. It keeps any kind of liquid or fluids safely without getting it spilled.
The female-to-female luer lock connections are very userful and can be found in the field of medical. Used for syringes and needles / catheters & tubes / IV bags & infusion sets The media reported on many more medical applications in other contexts, and the exact same links are used elsewhere than just to support hosting of audio recordings as they also constitute critical infrastructures for a large number of healthcare functions.
Furthermore, in labs also they use female luer-to-luer lock connections and not only for medical purposes. In addition, between these labs are interposed to also link different lab machines such as pumps / valves and others. This allows scientists and researchers to have confidence that their tests will be performed in a psychologically safer manner.
Then for an insulin pump, use like the female-to-female luer locks. Which means that for people with Diabetes, these pumps have to only deliver a certain dose of insulin. Inadequate pumps can give you severe health problems. And it is even used as crucial component in other machines like hemodialysis machine, and blood analyzers where a higher precision required to safely operate the machine.
Finally, female-female luer lock connections are mandatory for creating reliable medical systems. When used to connect medical devices, luer locks ensure that everything works as intended in order for patients health care. This guarantees that the whole system from IV bag to syringe is manufactured in a manner where patients get their treatment correctly& safely.
These are super durable and should last you MANY uses without snapping. They are up to surviving the sanitary and sterilization procedures which is necessary in medical environments too. This, followed by their reputation of already being heavy-duty and long-lasting to positively preference doctors & nurse because it has a tendency for equipment reliability.