Hey kids! I doubt you have every even heard of a drip IV infusion. This is a unique way of giving your body nutrients and the process can be simply illustrated as: you would like to receive it, hmm how about into an IV. This probably sounds weird, but it truly does make you feel amazing and gives you a lot of energy; In today's video we will be doing a deep dive into drip IV infusions and how they can significantly change the way you feel all day!
Overall, drip IV infusions are a great way to give your body essential vitamins, minerals and hydration. We all know that we should drink lots of water and eat our fruits, vegetables to be healthy. Unfortunately though, occasionally we need a little extra something to make our bodies feel at their best. This is where drip IV infusions come into place! They are a fast and convenient method that can deliver nutrients directly to your body - making you ready for any challenging situation ahead.
When we eat well, our body gets the nutrients and energy it needs to work properly. They work in the background like little maintenance people, ensuring that our systems are all running smoothly.');?>" Even if we are eating well, meeting our need for all the essential nutrients can be hard sometimes. This can be really tiring, we may even feel a bit shitty. Enter Drip IV infusions to help plug some of those gaps. Say you have been feeling super tired and run down lately…well a traditional vitamin B12 injection will perk up energy wise, while our drip IV with vitaminB12 can give it to you in spades!
Are you in to Sports or Physically active? This is where drip IV infusions can become a game-changer! While exercising you lose fluids because your body sweats. It is completely natural and probably just means that you need to drink much more as a result of each of those lost fluids. Unlike other ways to hydrate your body, a Drip IV infusion is the quickest solution: there are no waiting times- instead of wasting hours just drinking some water or lying down in bed - since it boots back into action and you'll be able resume at 100% right away. Plus the extra vitamins and minerals you get from the IV can help your muscles recover more quickly post-work-out. This ensures you can play again within a few days, ready for your next match or practice.ACTION STEP LET IT MIX
Chronic Diseases are age-related long-term illnesses such as diabetes or heart diseases Drip IV infusions do not cure these diseases, but can help manage some symptoms and improve your overall health. Another example is if a person has swelling or inflammation in his/her body, so by having liquid IV infusion magnesium it may decrease that condition of the patient. This may be helpful for folks managing conditions like arthritis, in which controlling inflammation can help reduce symptoms.
I think that drip IV infusions are a cool alternative to try if you are getting frustrated with how everything else is still failing you in your weight loss and body detox process! They pack in Vitamins and Minerals which are essential for your metabolism, - the way that you turn food into energy. Running smoothly and efficiently, your metabolism boosts energy levels by combating lethargy: You'll feel heightened alertness while feeling less of a tug from sugary cravings. For those with snack cravings, not the good kind,can be helped via a drip IV infusion and amino acids which will help to improve your mindset towards choosing healthier options!