A long time ago in bracketland, a jolly little clip called Clampy. We had a dog named Clampy that would love to pinch things in between. He would pinch wood to make tables or chairs, he would pinch paper to keep it neat and sometimes if people weren't careful even their fingers! Except Clampy didn't understand that he might cause some real damage with his pinches.
Enjoying-right as clamps bite, they may hurt more. You may feel a tiny pinch and see your skin turn red. The clamp can even take skin with it if you are not careful, and trust me getting stuck to the clamp is no day at the beach! This is why it becomes very necessary be vigilant and alert when you are near clamps. Always be aware of where the clamp is and what it's doing.
Here are some important things that can help you prevent injuries from clamps. To start, always be mindful about where you tip your fingers and other body parts in relation to the clamp. Always ensure that your fingers are not in the jaws of clamp, as this turns out to be a crushing point. It is important to know how the use of clamp correctly. Since all clamps work differently, it is very important to read the instructions (or ask an adult) before you start using one.
If you start to see that a clamp is pinching something even slightly, it really becomes an immediate pause situation. Do not attempt to tighten the clamp, as this will only cause it to pinch more. Do not remove the spring clamp, just loosen it a little and then try again. Even if it takes longer to get the training right, always err on the side of safety and avoid injuring yourself.
So if you want to avoid wincing from that awful pinch feeling, here are a few things you can do. And, to begin with, keep one thing in mind: never work on a clamp without wearing gloves. This would prevent Pinching your fingers if you are wearing Gloves. You may also want to consider trying another style of clamp if the one you have is squeezing too hard. However, some clamps work in a way that is kinder on your skin and they are not as dangerous to use.
There are some other tricks you can use if keeping yourself from pinching is of utmost importance when clamping. The first thing you need to do is check that the clamp is adjusted properly before attach. Incorrectly set, it is dead simple to catch a finger and the likes. Also, never use a clamp that is too large for the job. Clamps too small or large, also tend to bite into you and not every clamp is equal. Imagine that pain!