Autofusion IV Set is one of those new, high tech delivery systems that has many noteworthy features. They did it using a new type of IV that she said was both faster and more reliable than the traditional one doctors have used for decades. These are new technology and freshly developed, so many hospitals want to use this tool that can improve patient care.
Autofusion merges the IV bag with pump. What this means is that the medicine goes in at an extremely slow rate, which helps to keep you safe and healthy. This helps in giving a regulated dose of the medicine and prevent any over or under-dosing. Also by living in one unit with the bag and IV pump now being below, there is less to fail during treatment then having all these other parts.
In addition, another valuable safety tool is found in the Autofusion system. In case of finding any fault as air bubble in the line than pump itself will stop. A very important safety check for patients to create an assurance thereby making the feel safer and protected. It results in no patient, not matter how weak they are still receiving the proper level of treatment and at he right time.
You can also leverage an impressive barcode scanner via the Autofusion platform. It scans the drug label and checks it against patient information. This is really important because it reduces the chances of errors that can even prove fatal and deadly to patients. It gives the nurses giving medicine more confidence they are giving it to the right patient (and not just hope tested drugs).
It can even calculate its own dose of medicine. This means that the nurses no longer have to hand calculate, so we managed NOT JUST HARD WORKIN(timeROSS). This function really speeds up everything & get it accurate from the patch dose to infusion rates, so that nurses can spend more time caring for patients rather than working out those simple but nonetheless annoying calculations.
Moreover, it has a simple clamp that can be used to help regulate the flow of medicine. These would allow nurses to stop the infusion if they need to take quick ad-hoc bathroom breaks or if anything precious or delicate interrupts the flow. It is time-saving and convenient for both nurses and patients. While having the IV bag and pump in one, this saves time and reduces parts needed to put together. Nurses can start quicker, seeing more patients in less time. And the quicker they can works together meaning better care and everyone can be seen. Patient safety and well-being. Have you ever been hooked up to an IV and experienced pain or discomfort? I have; my IV was loose and not secure. However, it lets the patient have a painless experience while getting treatment. The Autofusion IV has an individual feature that locks the system that stops the removal or loosening of the IV line. It means that a patient can move around much more cautiously or freely and not have to worry about getting an air bubble in their anxious vein. It also has an air detector beneath it, stopping the pump if it detects the smallest bubble. Air bubbles in a patient’s line are deadly; it guarantees the user’s safety. Individual-based, patient-specific nutritional health care. Did you think we use the same IVs for all our patients? .
Automodes allow nurses to customize the settings for each individual patient using the Autofusion IV Set. The system includes several options for flow rate and dose calculations that can be tailored to the prescription of each patient. In this manner, they confirm per person dose of treatment and every single will get proper quantity drugs for their remedy.