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Spikes. are just the sharp offshoot of so many things we see around us. For example, porcupines have spikes all over their body and so do hedgehogs. Plants like cacti with their thick, sharp needles and thorny bushes that have prickly parts also bear spikes. Even the most mundane items, as hair clips and shoes to name a few have spikes too! Spikes are pretty neat and their utility in nature as well as everyday applications are endless. Read on and find out more about these interesting characteristics!

In the natural world, spikes have some roles to play Spikes are mainly designed to offer protection. This is the purpose of sharp spikes on, for example porcupines and hedgehogs so that larger animals do not try to eat them. These allow them to be very hard for predators to touch too. But spikes are also used by some plants, for the same reason: to prevent animals eating their leaves & fruits! Climbing is another important job for spikes. Cats, squirrels and many animals use the spikes on their feet (claws) to climb. The spikes can also function to help the animals speak with each other. One of the best examples is when a rattlesnake shakes its rattle, which are spikes they have evolved to produce in order warn others around them that it feels threatened.

A History of Spikes

Spikes hex the way back, even before man walked this Earth. Early humans long ago were hunting and fighting using spikes as tools? They used to create weapons with different materials such as, stone needles bone and wood. Metal became popular over time and people begin using them to make spikes for weapons like spears or arrows, which were much stronger. Spikes were also applicable in building and architecture; you could notice them on the high points of churches or tips of fences to keep people away. Today, spikes are present in a number of things-sporting equipment to improve traction and even fashion items for decoration.

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