This Check Valve acts as a door which only opens one way. Then consider a door in your home, which swings only one way. When the liquid or gas flows in the correct way to go through check valve, check valves open and allow a flow more easily. But if something tries to flow back the other way, it tightly shuts like a valve shutting. This uni-directional property is obviously one of the key feature to ensure all stays safe and working well.
There are a lot of places that use the check valve, which is why they are made to be one crucial component in manufacturing. For example, in watering systems to aid farmers who are growing crops. Those check valves prevent the water from going back into the pipes, where it could do some damage. They are also present in car engines which stops oil/fuel from going back to the undesired places of the engine. It can cause engine damage or, at the worst case scenario - which is also a good shorthand for describing all of these scenarios except death-by-explosion - total engine failure.
There are several designs of check valves that operate slightly differently. A ball check valve is one type. "Think of a ball in a tube. When liquid or gas flows in the required direction, it pushes a ball out of the way so fluid can pass through. If something would flow in the wrong direction then it attempts to push the ball against an opening and through this way become more difficult.
Swing check valve is another type. This gate swings on a hinge to open and close, functioning more like the door of its name than the ball found in most other designs. Another variety is the "piston check valve. This valve has a small piston that moves up and down in order to let liquid or gas through and then close off again. The last but not least is the "wafer check valve. A typical example is this one, which resembles a butterfly valve but has swinging-disc control of flow.
Check valves are very useful in various industries as they do not allow backflow streams. Backflow can be severely dangerous and destroy a system or equipment. An application for a check valve is preventing water from backing up the liquid line while protecting pump and other equipment suffering backflow damage to through either liquids or gases. Many check valves are also designed to be cheap and maintenance-free. That means they also can function effectively for a considerable time without much maintenance or even care.
If you want to throw a check valve in your own machine or system there are some very basic things that need to considered. Step 1: Select the Right Type of Valve suitable to your requirements Hence while designing your system think what kind of liquid or gas will you work with, how fast would it flow and at what temperature and pressure levels. This can assist you in choosing the right check valve for your specific circumstances.
Another common mistake is to ensure that the valve has been installed properly. The valve is something that needs to be checked on regularly afterwards because you will want it in tiptop shape, working as intended. If you see any signs of wear and tear or damage, replace the plastic immediately to prevent failure. Finally, as with all equipment ensure that for your industry or location you have followed any and all applicable safety rules/guidelines regarding check valves to make sure everything works properly in a safe manner.